Ash’s artistic journey began in art school, where she earned her bachelor’s of fine art degree in 2010. After years of working in graphic design, she discovered a passion for calligraphy and watercolor in 2014, which blossomed into a successful full-time business creating custom, hand-painted pens. Alongside her 3D-illustrator-husband, they launched the full resin line of pens and calligraphy accessories. Her intricate designs quickly gained popularity, even landing a feature in Harper’s Bazaar.
Now, Ash is expanding her creative focus to painting, working primarily with soft pastels and oil. This new direction allows her to explore the rich possibilities of color and texture while continuing her artistic journey. She finds herself captivated by half-eaten food, the mundane moments of mothering, portraits and cotton-candy colored clouds.
She lives in Memphis, Tennessee with her creative genius of a husband, Zach Bush, their 3 babies and 3 stray dogs. She spends her time biking along the greenline, unschooling her kids, mentoring teen parents through YoungLives, painting, reading and attempting to clean.