Marble Carrot Calligraphy Pen

Marble Carrot Calligraphy Pen
These calligraphy pens come in 6 soft colors. You can choose between an oblique and straight. They're sturdy and waterproof. They’re also in our signature carrot shape. A carrot calligraphy pen is a pen that’s short and fat. The shorter length means that most of the pen fits right in your hand, and the thickness assures that more of the pen is touching your hand. A thicker grip also trains you to have a looser grip and use a full arm motion instead of just your fingers. Looser grip = less hand cramps. We often try to garner control over our pens by squeezing the life out of them. A wide grip helps us keep our hand open. And if your hand doesn't get fatigued as fast this means you can work for longer!
Colors: Slate, Cotton Candy, Lace, Denim, Mint and Rose
Hand-crafted, with thoughtful designs at extremely affordable prices for beginners and seasoned calligraphers alike.
Straight vs Oblique:
Clean with soap and water, or Windex for especially stubborn ink. Don’t leave any pen submerged in Windex, the chemicals will break the pen down.